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Thurrock Mobile Explorer - Coalhouse Fort Park & Bata in East Tilbury

4.0 ( 9280 ratings )
Navigazione Istruzione
Sviluppatore Something Labs, Ltd.

History in your hand!

Mobile Explorer is an innovative, exciting way to explore the hidden secrets of Coalhouse Fort Park and East Tilbury using the GPS technology within your iPhone! Along each of the three routes, you will experience layers of history brought to life using text, sound and visuals as explained by local people. Walking the trails, you are sure to discover new things about the natural, social and military history of the area not readily accessible without this app!

There are two trails at Coalhouse Fort Park - Princess Margaret Road, East Tilbury, Essex, RM18 8PB.

There is one trail around the former Bata Estate in East Tilbury starting at East Tilbury Library - Princess Avenue, East Tilbury, Essex, RM18 8ST


» Location based multimedia content «
Audio-visual content is played automatically, triggered by your location.

» Download Centre & Offline Mode «
Preload tour content when you have a fast internet connection (3G or WiFi), to run the tours offline. This is especially useful for if there isn’t a fast data connection available, such as 3G or WiFi, or if you want to avoid expensive roaming charges.

» Cache «
All tour content played online, or preloaded, is cached for faster file access and is available offline.

» Sharing «
Share your experiences with your friends, straight from the App, using your Facebook and Twitter account.

» Background Mode (only for devices that support multi-tasking)«
This application is able to trigger stops and play content while in the background.

Please be aware: Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.